What Is Web3? A New Way of Internet

Author: Vivek Prasad

what is web3
Imagine a better internet - that's Web3.

Web3 is like the next big upgrade for the internet we use every day. It's designed to make the online world fairer, safer, and more under your control.


Web3 wants to get rid of the big companies and groups that control so much of the internet today. It's like making the internet more equal for everyone.Web3 aims to move away from centralized models of the internet, where a few powerful companies or entities control much of the online infrastructure and user data. Instead, it promotes decentralization through technologies like blockchain, which allows for distributed and trustless systems.

Magic of Blockchain:

Web3 loves something called "blockchain." It's like a super-secure computer system. With blockchain, you can do things online without needing to trust anyone. It's like having your own secret code for everything you do on the web.Web3 heavily relies on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Blockchain enables secure and transparent transactions, and it can be used for various applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as decentralized apps (DApps) and smart contracts.

You're the Boss, User Ownership and Control:

In Web3, you become the boss of your stuff online. You get to decide who knows what about you and how your personal stuff is used. It's like having your own super lock and key for your digital life.In a Web3 model, users have greater ownership and control over their data and digital identities. They can decide how their personal information is shared and used, often through cryptographic methods that protect privacy.

Everything Works Together:

In Web3, everything online can talk to each other better. It's like making sure your phone, your computer, and your TV can all understand each other and work together.Web3 seeks to create a more interconnected and interoperable internet, where different platforms and services can seamlessly interact and share data, reducing silos and walled gardens.

Semantic Web:

Web3 envisions a semantic web, where data is not just structured for machines to understand but also for humans. This makes it easier for both machines and people to access and use information.

Web3 Technologies:

Technologies associated with Web3 include blockchain, decentralized storage, decentralized identity systems, peer-to-peer networking, and more. These technologies aim to provide greater security, privacy, and user empowerment.

Digital Scarcity and NFTs:

Web3 also brings cool stuff like digital art that you can really own, kind of like collecting unique trading cards.Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are often linked to Web3. NFTs represent unique digital assets, such as digital art or collectibles, and are bought, sold, and owned on blockchain platforms.

Let's compare Web1, Web2, and Web3 in simple terms:

Web1: The Static Web (1990s)

Static Content: Web1, also known as the first generation of the web, was primarily static. This means websites mainly contained text and images that didn't change much.

Limited Interactivity: There was minimal interaction on Web1. Users could click links to navigate between pages, but there were no advanced features like social media or online shopping.

Basic HTML: Websites were built using basic HTML, which is a markup language for creating web pages.

Web2:The Interactive Web (2000s to Present)

Dynamic and Interactive: Web2, or the second generation of the web, introduced dynamic and interactive content. This allowed users to engage with websites in more meaningful ways.

Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube emerged, enabling people to connect, share, and collaborate online.

E-commerce: Web2 brought e-commerce websites like Amazon and eBay, making it possible to shop online and conduct financial transactions.

User-Generated Content: Blogs, forums, and wikis became popular, allowing users to create and share their content.

Web3: The Decentralized Web (Emerging)

Decentralization: Web3 aims to decentralize the internet. Instead of relying on big companies, it uses technologies like blockchain to distribute control and data.

Cryptocurrencies: Web3 often uses cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum for secure transactions and new digital economies.

User Control: Users have more control over their data and digital identities in Web3. They can decide who accesses their information.

Interoperability: Web3 focuses on making different online systems work well together, reducing barriers and increasing connectivity.

Digital Ownership: Web3 introduces concepts like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) for unique digital ownership, such as digital art and collectibles.

In simple terms, Web1 was the static and basic web, Web2 brought interactivity and social networking, and Web3 is all about decentralization, user control, and new digital possibilities. It's important to note that Web3 is still evolving and not fully realized, but it represents a promising vision for the future of the internet.

Web3 is still growing and changing, but it's all about making the internet a better place for you. It's like giving the internet an upgrade, so it's fairer, safer, and more your style. Exciting, right? 😊